Planetary care is self-care.
Sister Seasons provides women and menstruators with the practical knowledge, tools, and community to support both our individual and collective renewal. Informed by ancient wisdom traditions and modern science, our approach helps you expand your capacity to care for yourself, your community, and our planet—and build the regenerative, just future you know is possible along the way.
Our mission is to provide women and menstruators with a radically easeful and joyful path to returning themselves and our planet to vibrant life.
Your passion, experience, and knowledge are needed now more than ever.
Globally, women are disproportionately affected by climate change. Yet we are also the missing link in solving the climate crisis, since we’ve largely been left out of the conversation. But just as our planet needs us more than ever, we’re more exhausted than we’ve ever been. Collectively, we’re burned out from trying to operate in a system that was never designed for or by us. A system that has harmed both us and our planet.
Given the urgency of the climate crisis and the challenges women are facing, we knew we had to address both issues at the same time. We help you learn how to revitalize your well-being and our planet’s—with your joy as our sign we’re on the right track.
Our menstrual cycles mirror planetary cycles.
At the core of our work is helping you develop a reciprocal relationship with nature. Partnering with it for your well-being, and helping our planet in return. Our unique approach integrates the practice of menstrual cycle awareness with knowledge from ancient wisdom traditions (like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine), climate science, ecology, systems thinking, and intersectional feminist values.
By observing how your menstrual cycle is mirrored in both the natural seasons and the impacts of climate change, we help you discover the map in your body. A map to guide your path toward personal and planetary sustainability.
We can create a future that works for all today.
When we live according to the map of our menstrual cycles, we’re creating the future we want—right now. These small shifts have the potential to create a ripple effect when we implement them together. Each time you honor your body’s needs, listen to your intuition, or move at nature’s pace, you show yourself that a future where all life thrives is possible—because you’re embodying it right now.
Our Community
We’re committed to gender inclusion.
Sister Seasons is for anyone who identifies as a woman or menstruator, regardless of gender identity. Our use of the term “woman” is always trans-inclusive.

A flourishing future for all
We envision a world where every body—including planet earth—can follow their unique rhythms to return life to its full abundance.
A world where we realign to nature’s cycles.
The cycles of menstruation. Of the tides. Of the moon and the seasons. And even of our breath.
A world where we stop trying to control nature, and ourselves.
Instead, we let nature show us how to flow on a planet surrendering to renewal.
A world where we recognize ourselves as nature.
Understanding our bodies’ vital signs enables us to interpret earth’s vital signs. A knowing that illuminates when our actions are leading us toward regeneration.
A world where we embrace change.
The nature of cycles is constant change; their forward momentum propels us into our new future. A future where life returns faster than we ever imagined as we move with nature.
Our Values
The future we build is shaped by how we build it. We center ease, joy, and beauty in everything we do. What we co-create as a result is a world we want to run toward—and the internal resources to sustain us on our way there.
We are interdependent parts of a vast ecosystem of life. And there’s enough for everyone when we partner together. We return Earth’s generosity by supporting its regeneration. We foster communities of mutual care and collaboration.
Nature doesn’t exist in binaries—and neither do we. A truth that requires we get comfortable with messiness, ambiguity, and the fullness of our diversity. By letting all of our many parts coexist in harmony, we can create balance in our bodies, communities, and planet.
Our path is guided by collective knowledge, intuitive knowing, and intellectual rigor. We recognize wisdom in its many forms, from science to our lived experiences. We ask hard questions. We take care in discerning the integrity and origins of our sources.
Your health and our planet’s health are urgent issues. Yet real, lasting change takes time. So we don’t rush it. We think on scales beyond our lifetimes. We choose enduring solutions over “quick fixes.” We move at the pace of our bodies and look to nature as our guide.
Women and menstruators come from all backgrounds and identities with different levels of privilege and access, both historically and at present. We celebrate our many identities, and know our resilience is in our diversity.

Our gift to you.
Just as your body sends you messages 24/7, the natural world communicates with you too. With Field Notes—our free, self-guided course—you’ll develop an awareness of your body’s cycles and our planet’s cycles through a daily journaling practice. Learn more.
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